Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The CALL! (Week 2)

What did I learn?
1.Types of CALL programs
2.Types of CALL activities

So, 1:
  • CALL-specific software: applications designed to develop and facilitate language learning, such as CD-ROMs, web-based interactive language learning exercises/quizzes.
  • Generic software: applications designed for general purposes, such as word-processors (Word), presentation software (PowerPoint) and spreadsheet (Excel), that can be used to support language learning.
  • Web-based learning programs: online dictionaries, online encyclopedias, online concordancers, news/magazine sites, e-texts, web-quests, web publishing, blog, wiki, etc.
  • Computer-mediated communication (CMC) programs: synchronous - online chat; asynchronous - email, discussion forum, message board
Gosh, I never knew that I have been using CALL all this while. I think I have used all of the types of CALL mentioned above. Well, you learn something new everyday.

And Numero Dos is:
The activities. Well, what I remembered most was the BLOG creating time. Giving it a name was the hardest part but I managed to do so.

Well, Blogging is an activity. I mean a CALL activity.
And the rest of the activities were:
- Concordancing: The game was quite cool. A very interesting program I would say.
- Writing and Word-Processing: Use it a lot. Assignments and presentations.
- Online Communication (synchronous & asynchronous): YM, Forums......

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